Price Comparison – New Zealand Edition

Here’s a price comparison on similar goods from the US and New Zealand. I chose this array of items for their common, everyday nature. In some cases, I couldn’t find the exact same  product, so I went with what was closest. I tried to convert the metric amounts to whatever US unit we use as well. Hopefully I got everything correct. Math is not my strong suit.

*The US prices are based on a Ralph’s in San Diego, CA. Amounts may vary slightly depending on where you call home.



US Price

NZ Price (Converted to USD)


$3.49 (1 Gallon)

$3.41 (.79 Gallon)


$2.99 (Total = 405 fl oz)

$4.26 (Total = 304.3 fl oz)




Generic Loaf of Bread



Notes: They don’t sell cases of water bottles here. At least not in the New World (generic grocery store) that I was shopping in. Also, a Kiwi bread loaf is possibly a few slices less than what we’re used to in America.

Observations: Water is expensive here, apparently. Dang. Over a dollar more for 100 fluid ounces less. Bread is where it’s at though.



US Price

NZ Price (Converted to USD)

Bottle of Coke

$1.99 (20 fl oz)

$2.62 (20.28 fl oz)

Tub of Coffee Ground

$4.99 (11.3 oz)

$15.34 (12.69 oz)

My Expensive Deodorant



6 pack of Beer

$9.99 (72 fl oz)

$8.52 (66.95 fl oz)

Notes:  Their bottle of Coke are 9mL larger. Why?? I wear expensive ass deodorant because I sweat a lot and stuff. Amstel Light seemed to be the only basic, cheap 6er I could find.  It’s only 2.5% ABV too. Who knew?

Observations: I mean DAMN on the coffee front. NesCafe Classic seemed like a pretty basic tub of ground coffee to me. Did I goof somehow? Is it because Kiwis only care about tea? Not sure what’s going on there. The good news is that I’ll be saving a little bit when I re-up my deode. I’ll take what I can get.

Anything stand out to anybody? Feel free to leave a comment.