Price Comparison – Bali Edition

Here’s a price comparison on similar goods from the US and Bali. I chose this array of items for their common, everyday nature. In some cases, I couldn’t find the exact same product, so I went with what was closest. I tried to convert the metric amounts to whatever US unit we use as well. Hopefully I got everything correct. Math is not my strong suit.

*The US prices are based on a Ralph’s in San Diego, CA. Amounts may vary slightly depending on where you call home. Same with exchange rates.


ItemUS PriceBALI Price (Converted to USD)
Milk$3.49 (1 Gallon)$7.74 (~1 Gallon)
Water$2.99 (Total = 405 fl oz)$2.48 (Total = 304 fl oz)
Generic Loaf of Bread$1.1978¢

Notes: The average loaf of bread is only 10 slices whereas a normal US loaf probably has about double.

Observations: Damn, milk. Also, water is a pretty big daily expense because the tap water is unsafe to drink. I’ve been drinking around 68-100 fl ounces per day so it’s a cost that adds up. Some accommodations or restaurants provide free or discounted water bottle refills from jugs so that helps.


Item US Price BALI Price (Converted to USD)
Bottle of Coke $1.99 (20 fl oz) 87¢ (26.36 fl oz)
Tub of Coffee Ground $4.99 (11.3 oz) $5.40 (7.05 oz)
My Expensive
$9.99 $2.85 (Not the same)
6 pack of Beer $9.99 (72 fl oz) $8.22 (66.95 fl oz)

Notes:  They only have small or large bottles of soda, no middle ground. Also, they’re cheaper than cans but have more volume. Intriguing. The deodorant was not a proper match in type or application.

Observations: They don’t have Coke Zero or Diet Coke in the small bottles. Only regular Coke or Sprite. I find that odd. Also, Bintang is the ubiquitous beer and it’s actually pretty good.

Based on these comparisons, it seems like individual products aren’t really all that much cheaper, in some cases not at all. I don’t think I was shopping in a super high end market, but I’m sure it was more pricey than a rural warung. Regardless, most food at restaurants is significantly less expensive. For lunch, you can find a basic plate of nasi/mie goreng with chicken (fried rice or noodles) for under $2. You could go to a place during Happy Hour and have two cocktails (generally it’s 2 for 1) and a main course for about $10. That’s not too shabby on the pocket book. As a dessert, two sleeves of Oreos is $1.28. Trust me, I speak from experience.